- Sign- LEO
- Known As- Peep
- Favorite Quote- "Tina, if you're not willing to take risks and perhaps make a fool of yourself, then you'll never get anywhere in the entertainment business!" said by my mom. Thanks mom, I’ve been making a fool of myself ever since…!
- Favorite Sister Funk song- Leap of Faith
- Favorite Sister Funk song to sing- SisterFunk
- CDs you'd find in my car- No CD's… am a talk radio junkie...
- Best Sister Funk Moments-
- When we all get along…no drama, no egos…!
- When my band mates make me laugh, and they do all the time… Here are a few of many quotes that still have me laughing: “Come on man, isn’t there anything you can do?!” or “I’ll see your chainsaw and raise you two lumberjacks!”
- My Dream- To tour the world playing original music; and hopeful through our music and performance, people can forget about the stress in their lives and feel happy…even if it's only for a moment!
- Spare time spent: Reading, singing, and dancing; eating at great restaurants and finding other way to enjoy cultural experiences including traveling; going to the all kinds of theatre productions and concerts, meditating!
- Best Known for- not being known at all!
- Past to Current Musical Credits/Titles- Oh who cares about my past bands, recording projects, and theatre experience… I’ll spare you the boring details! My theory is…if you don’t already know, then it ain’t worth mentioning; What’s important is what’s coming next…
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